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The Captains Section allows Super Admins and Client Admins to assign or unassign Precinct Captains to specific precincts. This functionality ensures that each precinct has a designated captain responsible for voter outreach and election-related activities.

Accessing and Navigating to the Captains Section

  1. Logging In:
    • Click on the "Login" option at the top right corner of the page.
    • Enter your credentials to access the application.
    • Only Super Admins and Client Admins have permission to manage precinct captains.
  2. Locating the "Captains" Section:
    • Navigate to "Pages" > "Precincts Management" in the Black Menu.
    • Click on "Captains" to view the list of assigned and unassigned precinct captains.
    • From this section, you can assign a precinct captain to a precinct or unassign an existing captain as needed.

Note: When user clicks on EDIT option, user will be redirect to a page to assign / unassign captain.
