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Camera Access on Safari Browser

To allow camera access on Safari for iPhone or iPad, follow these steps:

Step 1: Enable Camera Access in iOS Settings

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Scroll down and tap Safari.
  3. Under the Settings for Websites section, tap Camera.
  4. Choose AskAllow, or Deny:
    • Ask: Safari will prompt you every time a website requests camera access.
    • Allow: Safari will automatically grant camera access to websites that request it.
    • Deny: Blocks all websites from accessing your camera.

Step 2: Grant Camera Permission for a Specific Website

  1. Open Safari and go to the website that needs camera access.
  2. If prompted, tap Allow when asked for camera access.
  3. If no prompt appears:
    • Tap the "AA" icon in the address bar.
    • Select Website Settings.
    • Under Camera, select Allow or Ask.
    • Refresh the page for the changes to take effect.